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The new revolution in the talent acquisition strategy
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Download the Ebook and discover how companies are tapping into opportunities presented by the contingent workforce
Companies requirements are rapidly evolving: 87% of employers are experiencing talent gaps. The job marketing is shifting dramatically and companies need more specialised expertise on a more agile basis.
This demand perhaps explains the hype around the concept of the ‘contingent workforce’. This model gives businesses the ability to hire talent anywhere in the world, on an ad-hoc basis. In many cases, this has triggered a revolution in talent acquisition strategies, where companies are looking well beyond the walls of their organisations to source the expertise they need.
How can companies adapt to this new paradigm of talent management?
- We explore the vital components of
a talent strategy to tap into the contingent workforce. - We’ll describe the vital components of contingent workforce management and explain how talent marketplaces like Outvise can provide the expertise you need.