Earn passive income.

Bring a project!

Get involved in this exciting opportunity. Bring a project to us and start earning today! All you have to do is submit details about the project, and if the client opts to work with Outvise, you'll earn 10%* of the total project cost. It's that simple!
*Excluding projects in Germany, the percentage will be confirmed based on the project.

bring a project program

How it works?

Freelance projects 1
You discovered a project

Learn about a project and share its details with us through our form.

Freelance projects 2
Outvise reaches out

Outvise will get in touch with you to double-check the project details and then contact the client.

Freelance projects 3
The client selects Outvise

The client selects Outvise for the project.

Freelance projects 4
Enjoy the Reward

Sit back, relax, and earn 10%* of the project's total cost.
*Excluding projects in Germany, the percentage will be confirmed based on the project.

bring a project how it works

Why bring a project to us?

Outvise referral program
Freelance projects earn
Earn income effortlessly

Refer clients and earn 10%* of the total project amount when they work with Outvise.
*Excluding projects in Germany, the percentage will be confirmed based on the project.

Freelance projects network
Leverage your network 

Make the most of your current network for additional opportunities.

Freelance projects clients
Nurture client relationships

Maintain positive relationships with your clients, offering them valuable solutions through Outvise.

Freelance projects participate
Participation is very simple

Engage effortlessly with straightforward and easy participation processes.

project referral program

Ready to participate? 

  • You need to have an Outvise account.
  • Outvise should not currently be engaged with this opportunity.
  • The project must have a minimum value of 3000€. 


When will I get paid?
One-off project: You will receive payment when the client has paid for the project. 
Long-term project: You will receive recurring monthly payments as the client pays for the project.

How much can I earn?
Let's say the client pays $12,500 for the project. As the referral, you would receive $1,250, which is 10%* of the total amount.
*Excluding projects in Germany, the percentage will be confirmed based on the project.

How do I track my referrals and earnings?
Outvise will email you updates on your referral progress and earnings.

How long will I continue to earn from the project?
You'll earn until the project is done. If the client extends it, your earnings will also continue.

Terms & Conditions